20 Brilliantly Obscure Comic Book Movie Easter Eggs You Didn't Notice

The most obscure and hard-to-spot Easter eggs from all comic book movies.

Comic book movies are absolutely teaming with fun Easter eggs, references and inclusions from the directors that ensure keen-eyes audience members are kept on their toes throughout them. Aside from the interesting plots, great characters, fantastic special effects and adrenaline-fuelled action, there's so much more to look for in such movies these days. While the idea of Easter eggs in movies is by no means new, they are certainly becoming more and more prominent in modern movies - particularly in modern instalments - with such inclusions easily reaching double figures and, in some cases, even more than that. These inclusions can be references to other movies, references to the source material comic books, foreshadowing of coming events, cameos from people the directors know and all kinds of interesting things. We've published a number of articles geared towards the Easter eggs in specific comic book movies or franchises here at WhatCulture.com but, in this article, we're going to look at some of the most fun, brilliant and hard to spot across the entire comic book movie spectrum. Here are twenty brilliantly obscure comic book movie Easter eggs you didn't notice...

Honourable Mention: Batman & Robin (Batman Vs Superman)

Zack Snyder's Batman Vs Superman isn't even close to being released and people are already spotting potential Easter eggs on the set. Snyder is a big proponent of dropping Easter Eggs in to his superhero films. - like the multiple Wayne Tech and Lexcorp references in Man of Steel - so this would be no surprise and, in the last couple of days, a curious train was spotted close to where filming is taking place in Detroit. This could very easily be real world graffiti but it's more than likely that Snyder is hinting at Robin's future appearance in the DC Cinematic Universe. And now on to the actual list...

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